
Festival 2018

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Festival 2016

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Festival 2015

Theodorakis sånger och poesi

Under konserten uruppförs en sång av den grekiske tonsättaren Nikolas Sideris. Sången är en tonsättning av dikten Me to lichno to astrou av Odysseas Elytis och kompositionen är tillägnad Mikis Theodorakis med anledning av hans 90-årsjubileum. Så här skriver Nikoals om kompositionen:

nikolas small1“Με το λύχνο του άστρου (me to lychno tou astrou), could be translated as “with the light of the star(s)”. The star(s) provides the light to all the creation for the poet and us to see. To see the sadden myrtles, the future perhaps, the girls who are mourning for the centuries and the boys who hold the guns yet are unaware of their uses. It’s the adventures of all humankind, the suffering of all creation and the suffering of the poet himself, hoping to search through the skies for his soul, the four leef tear.

This little text is not intended to be an analysis of the poem. After all the Greek language is a complicated one and rather unknown, yet I’ve chosen not to use the translation, but instead use the original poetry.

But this small description might help explain the chaotic maybe, polystilistic music that accompanies the poetry. Attempting to follow the adventures of humankind and of the poet, the music moves in familiar and unfamiliar circumstances.”